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  • Consulting

Global Advisory

  • Establish a new generation product analysis platform of international market asset securitization.
  • Establish asset pool analysis and cash flow model system for asset-backed securities products.
  • Use the self-developed system to collect and analyze data of asset-backed securities product for customers.
  • Participate in daily management of asset-backed securities products.
  • Monitor asset pool, audit and process transaction, manage cash flow, check cash flow distribution calculation.

Fund Admin

  • Our team provide third-party administrative outsourcing business for international hedge funds many years. The team also participated in the issuance of foreign hedge funds and accumulated rich experience.
  • Participated in issuance of the first domestic private bond fund with independent third-party administrative management.
  • Established an internationally advanced platform for comprehensive fund management. Fund custody, investment management, and administrative management can be operated on the same platform.
  • Provide middle and back-office outsourcing services for domestic and overseas fund investment management companies.
  • Provide customized fund administration management outsourcing services for domestic banks.